And The Light | Supertramp |

And The Light

Testo And The Light

So many years have come and gone since then
Still I can‘t forget the past
But you and me, we‘ll surelt meet again
And maybe find the truth at last

And the light, in the night
Shines on brightly
If it‘s alright with you
It‘s alright with me

Well I believe, that fate will find a way
To guide us through these restless years
And yes I know, that we‘ll speak one day
With no more doubts and no more fears

And the light ..

So tell me now, if you can share my view
Tell me where your comin‘ from
We‘ve both had time, time to think it through
To know just where we both belong

And the light ..

And if your heart is real
Then tell me how you feel
‘Til I‘m saying
If it‘s alright with you
It‘s alright with me
It‘s quite alright with me
It‘s all alright with me

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